Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

NoAW (No Agricultural Waste)

Participants : Patrice Buche, Pierre Bisquert, Madalina Croitoru, Nikolaos Karanikolas, Rallou Thomopoulos.

Website: http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/203384_en.html

NoAW (No Agricultural Waste) is an H2020 european project led by INRA-IATE, started in Oct. 2016. Driven by a “near zero-waste” society requirement, the goal of NoAW project is to generate innovative efficient approaches to convert growing agricultural waste issues into eco-efficient bio-based products opportunities with direct benefits for both environment, economy and EU consumer. To achieve this goal, the NoAW concept relies on developing holistic life cycle thinking able to support environmentally responsible R&D innovations on agro-waste conversion at different TRLs, in the light of regional and seasonal specificities, not forgetting risks emerging from circular management of agro-wastes (e.g. contaminants accumulation).

GraphIK will contribute on two aspects. On one hand we will participate in the annotation effort of knowledge bases (using the @Web tool). On the other hand we will further investigate the interplay of argumentation with logically instantiated frameworks and its relation with social choice in the context of decision making.

Collaborations in European Programs, Except FP7 & H2020


Participants : Madalina Croitoru, Rallou Thomopoulos.

Website: http://www6.inra.fr/foodmc

Rallou Thomopoulos is involved as Co-coordinator (together with Alberto Tonda and Kamal Kansou) in the European COST Action "FoodMC" (Mathematical and Computer Science Methods for Food Science and Industry) started in 2016. Both Madalina Croitoru and Rallou Thomopoulos are Members of the Management Committee, representing France.